Dana Ellyn
Dana Ellyn values her fine arts training but now works on peeling away the art school compulsion to make, and hide behind, pretty pictures. Beginning in 2002, Dana left the corporate world to pursue art full time. Her abandonment of several of life's luxuries has afforded her the time and focus to create a dazzling array of thoughtful and well-conceived paintings. She now lives and paints in her studio in a low-income housing unit in downtown Washington, DC. Dana's unique perspective and inspiration are drawn from living in the world's most influential city — she lives and paints less than five blocks from the White House. The allure of a Dana Ellyn painting is that it tells a story, her paintings have meaning, and sometimes the message may come as a shock… Don't let her pigtails fool you.
Artist's website: www.danaellyn.com

“Happy Childhood”
24″ × 18″
acrylic on canvas

“Happy Marriage”
18″ × 24″
acrylic on canvas

“Happy Hour”
18″ × 24″
acrylic on canvas

“Happy Meal”
18″ × 24″
acrylic on canvas

“Happy Now”
18″ × 24″
acrylic on canvas